Honor Policy for VT ALEKS Placement Assessments

Academic Integrity Policy for
VT ALEKS Placement Assessments
The Undergraduate Honor Code and Virginia Tech Policies regarding Academic Integrity apply to every assignment and exam given at Virginia Tech. The Honor Code Pledge reads as follows:
As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.
Students alleged to engage in any form of academic misconduct will be referred to the Undergraduate Honor System for adjudication.
Ignorance of the rules does NOT exclude any member of the University community from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code.
- Assessments must be taken individually. Students may not communicate with other individuals or collaborate on any part of an assessment while it is in progress, nor may students communicate problem details after the assessment has been completed. This includes, but is not limited to, communicating on the web (e.g. Chegg, Course Hero, GroupMe, etc.).
- Students may not consult partial or complete solutions of the problems that have been prepared by anyone else while completing an assessment. The prohibited solutions include, but are not limited to, solutions by current or former teachers or students at VT or elsewhere, whether these solutions are posted on the web (e.g. Chegg, Course Hero, GroupMe, etc.) or available from other sources.
- LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor are required to take a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment. Students will be prevented from accessing other websites or applications, and will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted.
- Students must verify their identity through Responds Monitor. The following are acceptable forms of photo ID: Virginia Tech ID, Driver’s License, State ID, Passport.
- Students must perform an environment check of their workspace, producing a clear scan of the testing environment: ceiling, floor, entire desktop/workspace, blank paper. Background may not be blurred or changed to a different background during the proctoring session.
- No persons other than the student should be in the testing environment. The presence of others will be detected by Respondus Monitor and will generate a report of suspicious activity. If another individual enters the testing environment during the assessment, the student must immediately inform the other individual that they are completing an assessment. The other individual must leave the testing environment and no further communication may occur.
- Students must have their webcam and microphone turned on for the duration of the assessment. Webcams may not be blocked or covered, and microphones may not be muted.
- All other devices must be turned off and placed out of reach. Prohibited devices include, but are not limited to, phones, tablets, second computers, headphones.
- Students must clear their workspace of prohibited materials. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, books, notes, personal calculators (an onscreen calculator will be provided), other devices. Students are allowed up to five pieces of blank paper. Each side of a blank piece of paper must be shown during the environment check.
REMINDER: Personal calculators are PROHIBITED
- Students must remain at their computer for the duration of the assessment. Students should use the restroom prior to beginning their assessment. If a student needs a break as an accommodation, the student must provide documentation from Services for Students with Disabilities.
- If a student is unable to secure an acceptable workspace and/or device to complete an assessment, they are responsible for contacting 1225placement@math.vt.edu prior to beginning their assessment. Live Chat is available for issues during pre-assessment checks and by clicking the Help Center link.
This listing is not, however, exclusive of other acts that may reasonably be said to constitute academic misconduct.
Cheating includes the intentional use of unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices or materials in any academic exercise, or attempts thereof.
Plagiarism includes the copying of the language, structure, programming, computer code, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing off the same as one's own original work, or attempts thereof.
Falsification includes the statement of any untruth, either verbally or in writing, with respect to any element of one's academic work, or attempts thereof.
Fabrication includes making up data and results, and recording or reporting them, or submitting fabricated documents, or attempts thereof.
Multiple submission involves the submission for credit – without authorization from the instructor receiving the work – of substantial portions of any work (including oral reports) previously submitted for credit at any academic institution of attempts thereof.
Complicity includes intentionally helping another to engage in an act of academic misconduct, or attempts thereof.
The violation of any University, College, Departmental, Program, Course, or Faculty Rules relating to academic matters that may lead to an unfair academic advantage by the student violating the rule(s).
Failure to abide by this policy may result in a failure of the assessment and/or other sanctions imposed by the university.
A student who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to a VT ALEKS Placement Assessment is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from 1225placement@math.vt.edu prior to beginning the assessment.
For additional information about the Honor Code,
please visit the Virginia Tech Honor System.