Math Major Guide to Choosing First-Semester Courses

We know that choosing courses can be daunting, so below is a guide to assist you with the process. We will also talk through any questions you may have during your advising appointment. If you have questions, the mathematics summer advisors can be contacted at and
Below is a guide for choosing your first-semester courses based on documented transfer credit. Adjustments can also be made to your schedule during and after your individual advising appointment. In addition, you should choose other courses as necessary to have a total of 14-17 credits on your Spring 2025 schedule.
IMPORTANT: If you will take MATH 1226 in the spring, you must enroll in CRN 17269, which is our section for math majors.
Math placement is generally done per the table below. Summer advisors will speak with each student individually during their Virtual Academic Advising & Course Registration session to ensure proper placement.
Documented MATH Transfer Credit | VT MATH Course Placement |
None & VT ALEKS Placement Assessment Score < 80 | MATH 12141 |
None & VT ALEKS Placement Assessment Score >= 80 | MATH 12251, CRN 87048 |
MATH 1225 | MATH 1226 (Spring 2025 CRN 17269) |
MATH 1225+1226 from AP BC Calc Score of 5 | MATH 2405H2 |
MATH 1225+1226 from another source | MATH 2204(H)+2114(H) or MATH 2405H2 |
MATH 1225+1226+other(s) | placement on individual basis3 |
Video Guide to First-Semester Math Courses [video] [slides]
1 To stay on track to graduate in four years, math majors who do not have transfer credit for MATH 1225 (Calculus of a Single Variable) should take MATH 1225 in their first semester. To be elibigle to enroll in the course, you must earn a score of 80 or better on an ALEKS Placement Assessment or have a qualifying score on a college-level examination shown on your record in Hokie SPA. Students who do not earn an "Eligible to Enroll" status for MATH 1225 must instead take MATH 1214 (Preparation for Calculus).
The VT ALEKS Placement Assessment is designed to determine what you know and what you need to work on; you do NOT need to review/study for the assessment. At the end of the assessment, you will have a much better sense of your strengths and weaknesses and have a chance to brush up on topics that may have been forgotten or haven't been practiced for some time. You will have three attempts to attain the score needed.
Take the assessment as soon as possible. Access to ALEKS is available now and is offered free of charge for Virginia Tech students. Remote testing closes on Friday, January 10, 2025. All College of Science majors (except psychology majors) should complete the VT ALEKS placement assessment, regardless of anticipated AP, IB, CLEP, Cambridge, or other transfer credits.
2 If you have transfer credit for both MATH 1225 and MATH 1226 you have some choices outlined below. Discuss this with the summer advisors during your advising session.
- Choice 1: Enroll in MATH 2405H – Mathematics in a Computational Context. This course is the first semester of a year-long integrated sequence which covers MATH 2114 (linear algebra), MATH 2204 (multivariable calculus) and MATH 2214 (differential equations), with an eye to applications and algorithmic implementation of solutions. MATH 2405H is highly recommended for students who scored a 5 on their AP BC Calculus exam.
- Choice 2: Enroll in MATH 2114 (linear algebra) and MATH 2204 (multivariable calculus), and possibly choose an honors section of one or both.
3 If you have transfer credit for at least one math course beyond MATH 1226, discuss your options with the summer advisors.
This is the second semester of the Math Department’s first-year experience course, and is strongly recommended for all first-year math majors. The first semester of the course is not a prerequisite and material in Discovering Math II is not depedent on having taken Discovering Math I. MATH 1044 is an introduction to the scope and applicability of mathematics and its many sub-disciplines. In this course, you will be introduced to the process of thinking, learning, and writing as a mathematician through projects in pure math, applied math, and math research. If you are a transfer student, talk with a math department advisor about whether MATH 1044 is right for you.
English placement is generally done per the table below. Summer advisors will speak with each student individually during their Virtual Academic Advising & Course Registration session to ensure proper placement.
Documented English Transfer Credit | VT ENGL Course Placement |
None | ENGL 1105 |
ENGL 1105 | ENGL 1106 |
ENGL 1105 + 1106 | no first-year writing course needed |
This document contains a first-year Pathways course list that includes Pathways course selections appropriate for first-year students. This will help you to find additional courses that you are interested in to complete your fall class schedule. Consider Pathways concepts for which you do not have transfer credit. Register for a total of 14-17 credits on your Fall 2024 schedule. The table below shows how many credits are required in each Pathways Concept by the time you graduate.
Pathways Concept Number and Title | Required Number of Credits and Required Course(s) for Graduation |
1f: Foundational Discourse | 6 credits; ENGLISH 1105, ENGL 1106 |
1a: Advanced Discourse | 3 credits |
2: Critical Thinking in the Humanities | 6 credits |
3: Reasoning in the Social Sciences | 6 credits |
4: Reasoning in the Natural Sciences | 6 credits |
5f: Foundational Quant & Comp Thinking | 6 credits: MATH 1225, MATH 1226 |
5a: Advanced Quant & Comp Thinking | 3 credits: MATH 2214 (ADM, ACM, traditional options); STAT 3005 or STAT 3604 (math ed option) |
6d: Critique and Practice in Design | 3 credits; CS 2114 (ADM option) |
6a: Critique and Practice in Arts | 3 credits |
7: Critical Analysis of Identity & Equity in the US* | 3* credits |
* Some courses may be used for Concept 7 plus one other Pathways Concept, but no other double-counting among Pathways courses is permitted.