Mathematics Education
The mathematics education research group is interdisciplinary by nature of its subject. We include faculty from the School of Education, as well as the Department of Mathematics, and we collaborate with faculty members accross the university, from departments in engineering, physics, psychology, sociology... Our collective research spans K-16 mathematics teaching and learning. Graduate students and undergraduate researchers regularly engage in research with faculty. Please see individual faculty research areas and specific projects below.

Research Advisors for Mathematics Education in the Math Department
Bio ItemEstrella Johnson , bio
Professor Johnson's research focuses on the pedagogical practices of mathematicians, with the goal of better understanding and supporting high quality, ambitious teaching in undergraduate mathematics classrooms.
Bio ItemAnderson Norton , bio
Professor Norton conducts research in mathematics education, building psychological models of students' mathematics and their mathematical development.
Bio ItemMegan Wawro , bio
Professor Wawro's research involves investigating students' reasoning about linear algebra in quantum mechanics and the development of inquiry-oriented instructional materials for linear algebra.
Researchers of Mathematics Education in the School of Education
Bio ItemJay Wilkins , bio
Dr. Wilkins is Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning. Wilkins' research interests include: understanding and measuring quantitative literacy, children's development of fraction concepts, mathematical beliefs and attitudes, and the teaching and learning of probability and statistics.
Bio ItemBetti Kreye , bio
Dr. Kreye is Clinical Associate Professor in Mathematics Education in Teaching and Learning. She teaches advanced curriculum and instruction courses for elementary and middle school mathematics majors, works with interns and student teachers at the secondary level, and works with the Mathematics Specialist Master's Program.
Bio ItemJesse L. Wilkins , bio
1750 Kraft Drive, Room 2034 (0302), Blacksburg, VA 24061, 540-231-8326,
Bio ItemCasedy Thomas , bio
Bio ItemBetti C. Kreye , bio
1750 Kraft Drive, Room 2032 (0302), Blacksburg, VA 24061, 540-231-8348, bkreye@vt.ed
Researchers of Mathematics Education in the Math Department
Bio ItemJoseph Antonides , bio
Dr. Antonides' research focuses on understanding students' mathematical reasoning and learning, with a particular interest in the domains of combinatorics, geometry, and logic.
Bio ItemRachel Arnold , bio
Dr. Arnold conducts research on mathematical teaching and learning in upper-level mathematics courses, such as Introduction to Proofs and Advanced Calculus.
Bio ItemGarrett Fowler , bio
Garrett Fowler's mathematical interests lay largely in combinatorics and algebra.
Bio Item
Bio ItemMichael D. Hicks , bio
Dr. Hicks conducts research in the field of mathematics education. His specific interests include (1) investigating student's thinking about advanced mathematics, and (2) the distribution of authority in mathematics classrooms.
Bio Item
Bio ItemSteven Silber , bio
Mr. Silber conducts research in mathematics education, examining students' engagement and reasoning in novel mathematical tasks.
Bio ItemJason R. Wilson , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor Wilson teaches Math and CMDA classes. His research interests include large scale linear algebra, high performance computing, and the mathematical foundations of data science.