Analysis is one of the fundamental branches of mathematics, with powerful applications throughout mathematics as well as in the natural sciences and industry. Here at Virginia Tech we have faculty working on various topics within analysis or using the tools of analysis to study applications. Areas covered include dynamical systems, erogdic theory, geometry, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics and partial differential equations.

In the picture above, professor Malabika Pramanik (Univrsity of Brittish Columbia) gives a talk at the Mid-Atlantic Analysis Meeting (2018) hosted by Virginia Tech.
Research Advisors for Analysis
Bio ItemAlex Elgart , bio
Professor Elgart primary research area is mathematical physics. The mathematical tools he uses mostly come from analysis and probability.
Bio ItemPeter Haskell , bio
Professor Haskell conducts research in index theory, which is the study of the connections between analysis and topological or geometric structures.
Bio ItemJosé Ramón Madrid Padilla , bio
Professor Madrid works in harmonic analysis and its connections to related fields such as number theory, combinatorics, ergodic theory and PDE.
Bio ItemEyvindur Ari Palsson , bio
Associate Professor Palsson conducts research in harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, combinatorics, number theory and partial differential equations.
Bio ItemWenbo Sun , bio
Assistant Professor Wenbo Sun works on the problems lying at the interaction of ergodic theory, combinatorics, and number theory.
Bio ItemYun Yang , bio
Assistant professor Yang conducts research in ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
Bio ItemGuher Camliyurt , bio
Dr. Camliyurt's research interests include mathematical fluid dynamics, nonlinear waves, and unique continuation problems for general elliptic and parabolic PDEs.
Bio ItemAndreas Deuchert , bio
My main research interests are mathematical quantum mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics. In my work, I develop analytic, functional analytic, and probabilistic methods with a focus on variational techniques to study mathematical problems originating from solid-state physics.
Bio ItemSarah Reznikoff , bio
Professor Reznikoff is Department Chair and Professor. Her research in analysis currently focuses on groupoid representations of C*-algebras.
Bio ItemShu-Ming Sun , bio
Professor Sun's research interests include the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics, the theory of partial differential equations, and applied nonlinear analysis.
Researchers in Analysis
Bio ItemArtem Hulko , bio
Dr. Hulko conducts research in mathematical analysis, particularly in the area of non-self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces. He is also interested in Game Theory.
Bio ItemChengcheng Yang , bio
I am interested in Geometric Measure Theory.
Bio ItemFangchi Yan , bio
Dr. Yan studies partial differential equations (PDEs) that are motivated from the modeling of physical phenomena and real-world problems in general. His research focuses on the problem of well-posedness for nonlinear dispersive equations, including the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation and the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation.
Bio ItemJosh Clemons , bio
Dr. Clemons does research in the overlapping ares of complex dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and topology and teaches a wide variety of traditional courses in differential equations and combinatorics.
Bio ItemNilton Garcia Hilares , bio
Dr. Hilares' research interests lie in computational and applied linear algebra.
Bio ItemSamantha Brooker , bio
I am a Postdoctoral Associate studying operator algebras and noncommutative geometry.
Bio ItemSeyed Zoalroshd , bio
My main research area is spectral theory of integral operators.
Recently Retired Faculty
Bio ItemJoseph Ball , bio
Professor Ball conducts research in Hilbert-space operator theory and operator algebras, exploring connections with multivariable function theory and engineering systems theory.
Bio ItemMartin Day , bio
Professor Day's research focused on applications of the large deviations analysis of stochastic processes, specifically the classical exit problem for diffusions. Later work involved fluid limit analysis of queueing processes.
Bio ItemTerry Herdman , bio
Dr. Herdman’s research focuses on modeling, analysis, parameter identification and approximations for systems governed by Volterra Integral and Functional Differential Equations.
Bio ItemJong Uhn Kim , bio
Professor Kim's research has been in analysis of partial differential equations which arise in fluid mechanics and elasticity.
Bio ItemMichael Renardy , bio
Professor Renardy's research is in partial differential equations and applications to fluid mechanics, in particular viscoelastic flows.
Bio ItemBob Rogers , bio
Professor Rogers studies continuum mechanics and nonconvex problems in partial differential equations. He also studies models of acoustics.
Bio ItemJohn Rossi , bio
Professor Rossi conducts research in complex function theory with specialties in value distribution theory and potential theory.