Algebra, Algebraic Geometry & Combinatorics
Mathematicians use algebra to represent symmetries and other patterns and to perform calculations that reveal geometric and other structures.
Algebra research in the department includes programs involving combinatorics, representation theory, Lie theory, algebraic geometry,
group theory, coding theory, and cryptography.

Research Advisors for Algebra, Algebraic Geometry & Combinatorics
Bio ItemSarah Arpin , bio
Dr. Arpin's research is in algebraic number theory and post-quantum cryptography, including the study of supersingular elliptic curves, isogeny-based cryptography, arithmetic geometry in characteristic p, and code-based cryptography.
Bio ItemGiuseppe Cotardo , bio
Dr. Cotardo’s research interest is in algebraic coding theory, with a particular focus on algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and their applications to the invariant theory of rank-metric codes. He is also actively working on network communication and quantum error correction.
Bio ItemDaniel Douglas , bio
Dr. Douglas works in the mathematical field of quantum topology. He is particularly interested in interactions with low dimensional geometry and topology, representation theory, combinatorics, and mathematical physics.
Bio ItemLeo Herr , bio
My work is in algebraic geometry. I study varieties using extra combinatorial data called logarithmic structures which enrich and compactify ordinary varieties as a middleman between schemes and tropical geometry. Log structures help to count curves, study intersections, and construct cohomology theories and invariants that behave well for singular varieties and normal crossings pairs.
Bio ItemJason LeGrow , bio
Professor LeGrow's research is in the design, analysis, and optimization of isogeny-based cryptographic protocols.
Bio ItemNick Loehr , bio
Professor Loehr conducts research in algebraic combinatorics. His work focuses on the combinatorics of symmetric functions, quasisymmetric functions, lattice paths, and tableau-like structures. These objects encode remarkable algebraic information about group representations, polynomial invariants, and Lie algebras.
Bio ItemHiram López Valdez , bio
Professor López researches connections of commutative algebra with coding theory and its applications, including quantum error correction, coding for post-quantum cryptography, and distributed storage systems.
Bio ItemGretchen Matthews , bio
Professor Matthews' research is in applications of algebraic geometry to data storage, protection, and security, especially coding theory and cryptography.
Bio ItemLeonardo Mihalcea , bio
Associate Professor Mihalcea studies classical and quantum intersection rings for flag manifolds and related algebraic varieties, an area combining techniques from Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Geometric Representation Theory.
Bio ItemTravis Morrison , bio
Professor Morrison's research is in algorithmic number theory and applications to cryptography.
Bio ItemDaniel Orr , bio
Daniel Orr conducts research in representation theory and algebraic combinatorics.
Bio ItemEyvindur Ari Palsson , bio
Associate Professor Palsson conducts research in harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, combinatorics, number theory and partial differential equations.
Bio ItemMark Shimozono , bio
Professor Shimozono works on combinatorial problems arising in enumerative algebraic geometry and representation theory.
Bio ItemWenbo Sun , bio
Assistant Professor Wenbo Sun works on the problems lying at the interaction of ergodic theory, combinatorics, and number theory.
Researchers of Algebra, Algebraic Geometry & Combinatorics
Bio ItemEduardo Camps Moreno , bio
Dr. Camps Moreno is a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Gretchen Matthews, with a research focus in algebraic coding theory.
Bio ItemSpencer Carey Cvitanov , bio
Dr. Cvitanov's PHD is in Number theory, specifically Iwasawa Theory. Much of his work is concerned with non-Archimedean linear algebra.
Bio ItemGarrett Fowler , bio
Garrett Fowler's mathematical interests lay largely in combinatorics and algebra.
Bio ItemIrit Huq-Kuruvilla , bio
Dr. Huq-Kuruvilla is a postdoctoral scholar working on Gromov-Witten theory and related areas, with a particular focus on quantum K-theory and its relationship with the geometry of the Kontsevich moduli spaces of stable maps.
Bio ItemKelli Karcher , bio
Advanced Instructor Karcher conducts research in orderable group theory, studying the cardinality of a variety of solvable groups.
Bio ItemDaniel Kim , bio
Dr. Kim is an instructor with research interests in symbolic dynamics and geometry.
Bio ItemPalanivel Manoharan , bio
Research interest in Geometry of Manifolds and geometry of quantum states.
Bio ItemAzam Mozaffarikhah , bio
Dr. Mozaffarikhah, Instructor in Mathematics, conducts research in infinite-dimensional algebras and coding theory, with a particular focus on noncommutative algebra, module theory, linear algebra, and their various applications.
Bio ItemZitong Pei , bio
As an instructor, I incorporate inclusive teaching practices to create a classroom environment where all students feel valued and included. Simultaneously, my research interests encompass a diverse range of topics in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry.
Bio ItemMichael T. Schultz , bio
Dr. Schultz conducts research in the intersection of algebraic geometry and mathematical physics.
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Bio ItemTimothy Smits , bio
I have broad research interests in number theory and arithmetic geometry. I'm interested in the arithmetic of modular symbols and Massey products, Iwasawa theory, and arithmetic statistics.
Bio ItemEric Ufferman , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor Ufferman teaches classes in both Computational Modeling and Data Analytics and Discrete Mathematics.
Bio ItemDaniel Valvo , bio
Instructor Valvo's research is an exciting field of math called coding theory. Specifically he studies how to store data in ways that it can repair itself in the event of errors.
Bio ItemMilo Bechtloff Weising , bio
Dr. Bechtloff Weising is a postdoctoral associate working in algebraic combinatorics and representation theory with a primary focus on Macdonald polynomials and Hecke algebras.
Recently Retired Faculty
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