Postdoctoral Associate Bios

Bio ItemJoseph Antonides , bio
Dr. Antonides' research focuses on understanding students' mathematical reasoning and learning, with a particular interest in the domains of combinatorics, geometry, and logic.
Bio ItemSamantha Brooker , bio
I am a Postdoctoral Associate studying operator algebras and noncommutative geometry.
Bio ItemEduardo Camps Moreno , bio
Dr. Camps Moreno is a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Gretchen Matthews, with a research focus in algebraic coding theory.
Bio ItemKeoni Castellano , bio
Dr. Castellano is a Postdoctoral Associate who conducts research on the mathematical analysis of infectious disease models.
Bio ItemKyle Dahlin , bio
Dr. Dahlin is an NSF MPS Ascending Postdoctoral Fellow who uses mathematical tools to answer questions in epidemiology and ecology, particularly those related to the transmission and control of mosquito-borne parasites in human and wildlife populations.
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Bio ItemIrit Huq-Kuruvilla , bio
Dr. Huq-Kuruvilla is a postdoctoral scholar working on Gromov-Witten theory and related areas, with a particular focus on quantum K-theory and its relationship with the geometry of the Kontsevich moduli spaces of stable maps.
Bio ItemJiuhua Hu , bio
My research interests are centered on numerical analysis and scientific computing, with a primary focus on developing fast and efficient numerical methods for differential equations.
Bio ItemLeah LeJeune , bio
Dr. LeJeune's research focuses on modeling the spread and control of infectious disease through analysis of mathematical models, particularly deterministic dynamical systems.
Bio ItemJorge Reyes , bio
Dr. Reyes' research involves the theoretical and computational study of fluid dynamics primarily based on the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE). These studies consist of the finite element analysis of numerical solutions for full-order models and the development of corresponding reduced order models (ROMs).
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Bio ItemPing-Hsuan Tsai , bio
I am a postdoctoral associate working on developing data-driven reduced-order models for turbulent heat transfer applications. Particularly, focusing on developing stabilization strategies and error indicators for turbulent flows to be used in engineering routine and design analysis. In addition to turbulent flows, plasma physics is another application that I have been working on recently.
Bio ItemMilo Bechtloff Weising , bio
Dr. Bechtloff Weising is a postdoctoral associate working in algebraic combinatorics and representation theory with a primary focus on Macdonald polynomials and Hecke algebras.
Bio ItemFangchi Yan , bio
Dr. Yan studies partial differential equations (PDEs) that are motivated from the modeling of physical phenomena and real-world problems in general. His research focuses on the problem of well-posedness for nonlinear dispersive equations, including the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation and the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation.