Sadie Powell

460 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech
225 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061-1026
Mrs. Powell holds both a BBA in Corporate Finance & Investments, and an MBA. She started her career in Higher Education over 12 years ago in Admissions, then moved to Student Services, eventually becoming the Director of Student Services. She joined Virginia Tech’s, College of Science, Math Department as Undergraduate Program Coordinator in Fall 2018.
In this role, she supervises the Math Department Office Staff and ensures students’ progress to graduate. She evaluates students’ DARs and processes DAR related updates, such as, but not limited to, course substitutions, grade changes, math related forms, and ACM applied area forms. She coordinates the Math Department's force add survey, credit-by-exam, change of major, Senior and Junior interviews, graduation ceremony, and many other events.
Students should always read emails from Mrs. Powell as they will contain important information about progress to degree.
As a member of the Central Advising Team, Mrs. Powell is there to assist when a student’s assigned advisor is not available. She also assists with Orientation, Open House, Hokie Focus, and the Majors Fair.
Fun Facts about Mrs. Powell:
- She met her husband, Dwayne, freshman year in college. They’ve been together ever since, and have 4 daughters.
- She is originally from Tennessee, a true country girl at heart.
- She loves living in the mountains but vacationing on an island or beach.
- She hates scary movies; does not like being scared!