Anderson Norton

460 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech
225 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061-1026
My research is driven by a desire to understand how humans have access to knowledge as powerful and reliable as mathematics. Throughout my career, building upon Jean Piaget's genetic epistemology, I have learned that many philosophical questions about the nature of mathematics have psychological answers. I ground my research in building psychological models of students' mathematics, and I collaborate with psychologists and neuroscientists to find these answers.
In 2022, I authored a related book, published by Routledge: The Psychology of Mathematics: A Journey of Personal Mathematical Power for Educators and Curious Minds. You can find more information on the book, including published book reviews, linked below.
Reviews of the book are linked below:
Review by Mandy Jansen (University of Delaware) in The Mathematics Educator
Review by Keith Weber (Rutgers) in Research in Mathematics Education
Review by Diane McCarthy (Buffalo State) for Teacher's College Record
Review by Firdus Ahmad Mala (Cluster University Srinagar) for World Literature Today