Shixu Meng
Data & Decision Sciences, Virginia Tech
727 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061-1026
Dr. Meng is broadly interested in applied and computational mathematics, inverse problems, and data science. His long-term research goal is to work as an applied mathematician to address interdisciplinary challenges spanning science, engineering, and technology.
Dr. Meng’s particular research interests include computational and analytical methods for solving PDEs and inverse problems, and a major theme is on forward and inverse scattering problems. He has been working on reconstruction methods for inverse scattering (sampling methods and dimension reduction techniques based on the generalized prolate spheroidal wave functions), eigenvalues and non-destructive testing (transmission eigenvalue, Stekloff eigenvalue, band structure and other non-selfadjoint eigenvalue problems), and homogenization for periodic media (higher order homogenization at low/high frequencies). His most recent interest is on low rank methods and dimension reduction techniques.