Eduardo Camps Moreno

460 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech
225 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061-1026
My research is on coding theory and quantum error-correction. Quantum information offers a new paradigm of computation and quantum algorithms can help to reduce the computational time of some tasks, however quantum states are particularly sensitive to certain types of errors due to their very nature. This leads to the need of error correction for quantum information, but a fundamental feature of quantum physics makes it impossible to use our classical schemes.
However, it was proven by Calderbank, Shor and Steane that using an extra feature of the quantum particles, called entanglement, it was possible to protect quantum information. Since then, several schemes have been proposed to protect quantum information using several algebraic structures to describe the properties of these quantum error-correcting codes.
My work is to describe further properties of these systems and to design new ones that outperform the existing ones to guarantee reliable communication between quantum computers.