Ezra (Bud) Brown
Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Math Emporium
460 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech
225 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061-1026
460 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech
225 Stanger Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061-1026
Bud Brown does research in number theory (mainly algebraic number theory, quadratic forms, and elliptic curves), combinatorics (mainly combinatorial designs), expository mathematics (two dozen articles on a variety of topics), and cryptography.
He coedited a book with Arthur Benjamin called "Biscuits of Number Theory" published by the Mathematical Association of America in 2009, and his book "The Unity of Combinatorics", with the eminent Richard Guy as coauthor, was pubished by the American Mathematical Society in 2020.
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