Visitor's Day 2024
January 24, 2024

The Mathematics Department hosted Visitor's Day on Friday, February 23rd. Visitor's Day is an opportunity for prospective graduate students to meet with faculty and current graduate students in the department, to learn about our academic, research, and social environment. Here, you can find a schedule of events and resources, such as videos produced by math faculty and student organizations. If you have interests in the research of indivual faculty members, please reach out to them by email.
Friday, February 23 | Event |
08:00-09:00 | Breakfast & Meeting with Graduate Program Director at the Inn at VT and Skelton Conference Center: Andy Norton |
09:00-10:00 | Campus walking tour: led by Kelli Karcher |
10:00-12:00 | Faculty & visitor meetings: scheduled by Pengtao Yue |
12:00-13:00: | Lunch reception (Commons Room: 455 McBryde) |
13:15-14:00 | Graduate student panel, including representation from AWM, GSO, SIAM, and SGTA (Commons Room) |
14:00-15:00 | Faculty program (Commons Room): led by Andy Norton |
15:00-15:30 | “Meet & Greet” with faculty & current Graduate Students (Commons Room) |
15:30-16:30 | Graduate student research presentations (Commons Room) |
16:30-17:00 | Breakout sessions, by research area |
18:45 | Board vans at the Inn at VT for dinner at Avellino’s and Hamro |
19:00 | Dinner with Faculty, Graduate Students & Visitors at Avellino's and Hamro |
Dr. Abaid discusses her research in Applied & Computational Mathematics and Math Physics.
Dr. Adjerid discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Borggaard discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Childs discusses her research in Mathematical Biology.
Dr. deSturler discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Elgart discusses his research in Math Physics and Analysis.
Dr. Lin discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Liu discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Norton discusses his research in Mathematics Education.
Dr. Palsson discusses his research in Analysis
Dr. Saucedo discusses his research in Mathematical Biology.
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) at Virginia Tech is one of the oldest SIAM chapters in the United States. Their video highlighted the activities of the group including the sponsoring of career fairs and an informational series that helps student answer the question, "What can I do with a math degree?" The group has sponsored a variety of talks given by mathematicians who work in industry.
The Association for Women in Mathematics gave prospective graduates students information on the numerous events they sponsor. From undergraduate study sessions to research talks presented by faculty, the group maintains a high profile within the department.
The Department established the Senior Graduate Teaching Assistants (SGTA) as a support system for new GTAs. More experienced SGTAs are available for questions and run a series of workshops to assist the new GTAs as they begin their teaching roles in the department. They maintain a Canvas site of resourses for use by all GTAs.