Spring Graduation & Awards 2023
May 15, 2023

Congratulations Spring 2023 Graduates and Award Winners!
The Mathematics Department extends its congratulations to the graduating class of 2023. Fifty-four (54) undergraduates completed degrees in mathematics this spring. An additional 20 students completed graduate degrees in mathematics. And several students received additional recognition for their accomplishments as Mathematics students at Virginia Tech. Additionally, three of our students competed in the Layman Prize competition for undergraduate research, with junior Robert Long taking the prize. We are proud of all of our students, all that they have accomplished, and all they will accomplish moving forward. Ut Prosim!
Search the VT Commencement Data Base for your Spring 2023 graduate, or see the list of Math graduates below.
Name | Distinction |
An, Hongxuan |
summa cum laude |
Basener, Wesley James |
magna cum laude |
Bhatti, Alina Sohail |
magna cum laude |
Cann, Luke Henry |
Caudill, John C |
cum laude |
Chenoweth, Summer Lynn |
magna cum laude |
Congleton, Nathan William |
Crim, Jacob |
Danilov, Aleksandr Ivanovic |
Dayton, Jamie Ann |
magna cum laude |
De Jager, Jenifer Rain |
Devito, Thomas Anthony |
magna cum laude |
Djunaedi, Mitchell Anthony |
Egan, Hailey Rhiannon |
Exarchakis, Nicholas George |
cum laude |
Gauza, Stanislaw A. |
cum laude |
Georgiou, Christopher Marti |
magna cum laude |
Gillespie, James Alexander |
Glasser, Casey Payton |
summa cum laude |
Gonzalez Granda, Nicolas |
Goradia, Nicholas Landon Ki |
magna cum laude |
Han, Lucy Ye Jin |
summa cum laude |
Harrison, Gregory Patrick |
summa cum laude |
Kasmarek, Natalie Michelle |
cum laude |
Kelleher, Sean Patrick |
Khullar, Anusheka |
Kim, William Youngjae |
Knapp, Nicholas James |
Krebs, Jenna Angelena |
cum laude |
Lashko, Artem Vladimirovich |
cum laude |
Li, Shengrong |
cum laude |
Liu, Yimeng |
magna cum laude |
McCarthy, Emily Carolanne |
summa cum laude |
Mercer, Matthew Hayden |
Miah, Rohan Fuad |
Mittal, Akash |
Monk, April Denise |
summa cum laude |
Parameswaran, Aaditya Krish |
Press, Gabriel Ian |
Robinson, Devon Lloyd |
Rodriguez, Sara Carina |
Scott, Alison Lee |
Seibel, Claire Elizabeth |
summa cum laude |
Sensouphab, Aliya |
Shah, Jinit Shaishavkumar |
Shaikh, Taha |
cum laude |
Srakaew, Sirawit Alexander |
magna cum laude |
Stosic, Evan Michael |
magna cum laude |
Taylor, Christopher Thomas |
summa cum laude |
Tekampe, Matthew Louis |
Wang, Zehong |
Wilson, Ana Greer |
Zaheer, Ali Sina |
Jonathan Baker, PhD (advisor: Mark Embree)
Peter Caruso, MS (advisor: Nicole Abaid)
Wendi Gao, MS (advisor: Jason LeGrow)
Nilton Garcia Hilares, PhD (advisor: Mark Embree)
Sarah Kerrigan, PhD (advisor: Anderson Norton)
Vladislav Kokushkin (advisor: Anderson Norton)
Sydney Lang, MS (advisor: Jeffrey Borggaard)
Connor Lowden, MS (advisor: Yun Yang)
William Mahaney, MS (advisor: Travis Morrison)
Ashlyn McDonald, MS (advisor: Serkan Gugercin)
Ian Moore, MS (advisor: Traian Iliescu)
Dylan Park, MS (advisor: Traian Iliescu)
Juan Romero Acosta, PhD (advisor: Eyvindur A. Palsson)
Varun Scarlett, MS (advisor: Peter Haskell)
Jennifer Smucker, MS (advisor: Eyvindur A. Palsson)
Tatiane Swap, MS (advisor: Lauren M. Childs)
Stephen Timmel, PhD (advisor: Gretchen L. Matthews)
Daniel Valvo, PhD (advisor: Gretchen L. Matthews)

On Reading Day, Thursday May 4th, math enthusiasts gathered in the Commons Room to witness the annual Layman Prize Competition for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics organized by the Mathematics Department. Three undergraduate students presented their research:
JC Hartman
Hopf Bifurcation in Neutral Delay Differential Equations: Galerkin Approximation and Center Manifold Reduction
(research advisor Dr. Liu)
Robert Long
A Note on the Density of kth Abundancy Indices
(research advisor Dr. Lungstrum)
Alex Sing
Using a Self-study Approach to Develop Strategies in Proofs Writing from an Epistemological Context
(research advisor Dr. Norton)
Each participant was given 20 minutes to present their work and answer questions from the panel of judges. The evaluation committee of Professors Mihalcea, Sun and Yue had the challenging job of selecting a winner, after hearing three great talks. After deliberating the winner of the competition was announced to be Robert Long with the project "A Note on the Density of kth Abundancy Indices" advised by Dr. Lungstrum. Congratulations to both student and advisor!
We thank all the students and advisors who participated. You can see the complete list of winners posted on our Undergraduate Research page.
Related articles:
Fall 2022 Graduation (December 2022)
Spring 2022 Graduation (May 2022)
Fall 2021 Graduation (December 2021)
Math Department 2021 Virtual Graduation (May 2021)
Commencement Details (December 2020)
Mathematics Department 2020 Virtual Graduation (May 2020)
Mathematics Department Announces 2020 Graduating Senior Awards (April 2020)
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