Math Department's First Virtual Visitor's Day a Success!
March 3, 2021

The Mathematics Department held their very first Virtual Visitor's Day on Friday, February 26th. Over 60 potential graduate students participated in the all-day event.
Visitor's day was established as an opportunity for prospective students to meet both faculty and current graduate students in Blacksburg, giving them firsthand information about the graduate program and the greater Blacksburg area. This was the first year that the event was held entirely online.
There was a mix of live interactions and pretaped presentations. The day began with a Welcome and Information session held via Zoom. Current graduate students followed with a general Question & Answer session. Throughout the day, each participant was given the opportunity to Zoom with faculty members to discuss program options.
A lot of preparation went into making sure that everyone was represented virtually for the day. Individual faculty members produced short videos explaining their current research. Below you can view the presentations from the different faculty members.
Dr. Abaid discusses her research in Applied & Computational Mathematics and Math Physics.
Dr. Adjerid discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Borggaard discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Childs discusses her research in Mathematical Biology.
Dr. Chung discusses her research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Chung discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. deSturler discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Elgart discusses his research in Math Physics and Analysis.
Dr. Hewett discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Lin discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Liu discusses his research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Martin discusses her research in Applied & Computational Mathematics.
Dr. Norton discusses his research in Mathematics Education.
Dr. Palsson discusses his research in Analysis
Dr. Saucedo discusses his research in Mathematical Biology.
Current graduate students joined in the festivities with videos highlighting their own experiences in the graduate program. Various student organizations also developed and shared informational videos.
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) at Virginia Tech is one of the oldest SIAM chapters in the United States. Their video highlighted the activities of the group including the sponsoring of career fairs and an informational series that helps student answer the question, "What can I do with a math degree?" The group has sponsored a variety of talks given by mathematicians who work in industry.
The Association for Women in Mathematics gave prospective graduates students information on the numerous events they sponsor. From undergraduate study sessions to research talks presented by faculty, the group maintains a high profile within the department.
The Department established the Senior Graduate Teaching Assistants (SGTA) as a support system for new GTAs. More experienced SGTAs are available for questions and run a series of workshops to assist the new GTAs as they begin their teaching roles in the department. They maintain a Canvas site of resourses for use by all GTAs.
There was a virtual tour of the campus, which you can take at any time.
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