Are you interested in Undergraduate Research in Mathematics?
March 16, 2021

Are you interested in experiencing what it's like to do math research? Would you like to build your math research skills and finding out how to get involved in independent research projects at Virginia Tech, or to apply for summer research opportunities? Want to know more about how math research can help support your career goals? Are you taking your first proof-based class in Fall 2021, or have you just recently taken your first proof-based class?
If so, sign up for the hands-on math research class, BEPUR: Broadening Engagement and Participation in Undergraduate Research, (Math 2984), in Fall 2021!
This class aims to demystify the 'hidden curriculum' of getting involved in math research, so we enthusiastically encourage participation by first-generation students, underrepresented minority students, students with disabilities, and students who are nonbinary or women.
Hear from students in the BEPUR Class and SURE Program:
"You can benefit from doing the group work and discussion with classmates, solving the problem, expressing your thoughts, etc. All of these skills can be really useful in future studies and careers."
"You will never be bored, but also not overwhelmed because the class is extremely doable."
"You will learn more [by working] together with partners than on your own"
"This is a very well put-together class that teaches a wide variety of skills."
"The homework is genuinely interesting and useful, and each of the lectures and activities teaches or reinforces new skills."
More information, more quotes from current students, corequisite/prerequisite courses, overview of activities, visiting speakers, and projects at BEPUR.
Some aspects of BEPUR are:
- Work with multiple math faculty who lead introductory research projects.
- Participate in math research seminars and network with diverse women mathematicians from other universities through the SURE Speaker Series.
- Student teams discover how to take a mathematical scenario and develop their own new problems, define their own questions, and develop their own strategies to solutions.
- Lessons on technical skills for math research and discussions (e.g. navigating math literature, doing peer review, Latex, basic python programming, research presentations).
- Activities focused on building math research community (including career paths, the role of diversity and inclusion in math research, and finding future research opportunities).
- BEPUR students will have mentoring and advice to find more independent research opportunities on campus and through REU applications.
- Women BEPUR students can apply for paid positions as SURE research fellows in Spring '22.
The course will be taught by Luther and Alice Hamlett Junior Fellow, Dr. Eileen Martin, but there will also be lessons led by Gretchen Matthews, and projects led by Jason Wilson and Eric Ufferman and guest discussions with several other graduate students and faculty in the Department of Mathematics. More information is available at the BEPUR course website.
Related articles:
Exploring the Geography of Health in the US (November 2020)
Are you interested in Undergraduate Research? (October 2020)
SURE sponsors Dr. Rachel Ley's visit to Campus (October 2019)
SURE Grant Supports Undergraduate Women Interested in Research (October 2019)
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