Math Department Announces 2019 Graduating Senior Awards
May 9, 2019

The Mathematics Department announced the 2019 Outstanding Departmental Awards at the annual ceremony on May 9th. The Overall Outstanding Mathematics Senior Award went to Aimee Maurais. Aimee also earned the Outstanding Senior Award from the College of Science. Each option for the Mathematics Bachelor of Science degree choose their own outstanding senior. They were awarded as follows:
- Math Education: Emily Staskin
- Traditional: Rebecah Storms
- ACM: Brian Zazzara
- ADM: Will Craig
Congratulations to each of the awardees!
In addition the department awarded scholarships for the 2019-2020 year to the following students:
- Patricia A. Caldwell Scholarship: Isabel Byrne
- Kathleen Wampler & Rorest Dryden Rollins Scholarship: Joshua Doss
- David P. Roselle Scholarship: Trevor Tarrh
- Carl A. Persinger Scholarship: Isabella Giovannelli
- Lee R. Steeneck & Regina Aultice Steeneck Undergraduate Scholarship: Emma Meno
- Lee R. Steeneck & Regina Aultice Steeneck Graduate Fellowship: Alan Garcia Hilares
- Marion & Charlotte Eckert Mathematics Scholarship: Margaret Winslow and Rachelle Hart
- Daniel S. Kim Memorial Scholarship: Michael Wills
- C.B. Ling Scholarship: Joseph Tanner Slagel
- Gaskin Scholarship: Emily Wright
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