Summer 2024 Faculty Recognition
August 23, 2024

Pictured above, Dr. Travis Morrison discusses his research in crytography, which addresses threats from hackers who may use quantum computing technology to breach existing information security. Dr. Morrison was recently awarded a prestigious CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct this work. Read the full story from VT News.
Travis is one of several VT Math faculty members to receive great news over the summer. Other stories include the creation of a new Center for the Mathematics of Biosystems. The center, which officially launched on August 16, will support the work of several faculty members in the department who conduct research in mathematical biology. These faculty members include Drs. Nicole Abaid, Lauren Childs, Stanca Ciupe, Omar Saucedo, and Michael Robert. Relatedly, Dr. Robert was recently featured in another VT News story sharing his work on disease spread and his outreach to high school students. And Dr. Stanca Ciupe has been named the Roger H. Moore and Mojdeh Khatam-Moore Dean's Faculty Fellow!
Congratulations, also, to Dr. Johann Rudi and his collaborators on their recent publication in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)! PNAS is a peer-reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and is one of the world's most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serials. The journal publishes cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, and colloquium papers spanning the biological, physical, and social sciences. The journal published Dr. Rudi's work, with Jiashun Hu and Georg Stadler, entitled "Constraining Earth’s nonlinear mantle viscosity using plate-boundary resolving global inversions."
Finally, congratulations to Dr. Traian Iliescu on being named a College of Science Faculty Fellow. Dr. Iliescu's research focuses on the development of data-driven Galerkin (d2G) methods for turbulent flows. Read more about his research program on his personal webpage.
We have a talented and energetic faculty in VT Math, to complement and support a talented and energetic group of students. Follow us on Instagram and other social media (linked at the bottom of this page) to stay up-to-date. Also, stories about our students and faculty often appear in VT's Science Magazine:
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